The Rise of Online Work

Title: The Rise of Online Work
Not since the Industrial Revolution have we experienced such rapid disruption of the way we work. In 2005, two entrepreneurs who wanted to work together (despite being half a world apart) created technology to instill visibility and trust in “virtual” work relationships. This technology became oDesk, and oDesk became the leader of a new market called “online work”— any work done on a computer and delivered via the Internet.

Today, oDesk announced that it reached U.S.$1 billion of work done via its online workplace. A number in and of itself means nothing, but the millions of people feeling the positive impact of online work means everything. The simple truth underlying this landmark is that work is no longer a place. oDesk is proud to be the first online workplace to reach this landmark, while remaining true to our mission: creating freedom and opportunity for the world’s best businesses and best professionals to work together.





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