Tag: data
Internet Consumption Around the World
2013 marked the first year that there are more mobile internet devices than humans. How do you consume the internet? See in this infographic what are the regions that consume the most internet, where is the fastest and what is the behavior of today’s internet users.
The Future of the Cloud
Why HR in the cloud makes sense for SMEs
Infographic on the benefits to your business on having your company data stored safely and cost effectively in the Cloud.
You Need Google Analytics Premium If…
Google Analytics Premium unlocks more insights about your data in real time than any other analytics solution. As a Google Analytics Certified Partner, Resolute Digital undertook the task of researching all Analytics solutions currently on the market. The results clearly show that the wind is at Google Analytics’ back and, while brand awareness isn’t the…
Data Footprints by Generation
A digital footprint is a term used to denote the sum of activities and behaviors recorded as an entity (such as a person) interacts in a digital environment. We likely all have some sort of digital footprint, but this infographic presented by Wikibon breaks down the info by generation. Check it out!