Category: Technology Infographics

  • Hacking the Mind: How & Why Social Engineering Works

    Hacking the Mind: How & Why Social Engineering Works

    Our infographic illustrates the dangers of human hacking in today’s online world. Hackers have now developed a strategy that enables them to gain access to personal information via psychological manipulation of their victims. They use tactics such as face-to-face interactions and mass email blasts that attempt to influence pc owners to click on a link…

  • How to Keep Your Smartphone Safe & Secure

    How to Keep Your Smartphone Safe & Secure

    This infographic tells people how to keep their smartphones safe from hacking.

  • The Mobile Workstyle

    The Mobile Workstyle

    The above infographic explains that how mobiles are changing the way we work. A variety of new devices and services are empowering the mobile worker to work, where, when and how he or she choses to work. According to Cisco study on the internation workplace, the mobile work force is now business as usual for…

  • The Depths of Cloud Storage: A 3D Designer’s Perspective

    The Depths of Cloud Storage: A 3D Designer’s Perspective

    These days, the concept of the cloud is nothing new; everyone is sharing their data on it. However, 3D designers have a different set of rules they must follow in order to keep their creative property secure. We’ve put together an infographic about the cloud as seen through the eyes of 3D artist that would…

  • Jump to HTML5 – Use the New and Shiny Responsibly

    Jump to HTML5 – Use the New and Shiny Responsibly

    HTML5 is a new version of the HTML language that comes with new elements, attributes and behaviors. . It allows creating permanent connection between the web page and the server for non HTML data exchange. WebGL comes with 3D graphics to the web by introducing an API that can be used in HTML5 elements. HTML5…

  • The Economics of Smartphone Damage

    The Economics of Smartphone Damage

    Did you know a damaged smartphones causes millions of dollars in losses a year? Smartphones all over the world suffer through inadvertent drops and falls, knicks and scratches from banging against other inanimate objects and even damage from liquids. A cell phone that has been soaked in beer at your favorite watering hole likely won’t…

  • The Future of Mobile Data

    The Future of Mobile Data

    With the rise of smartphones, consumers are increasingly hungry for data-intensive apps and services. How powerful is this shift, and how will mobile providers cope with these new devices and usage habits? We’ve created this free infographic to highlight some of the alarming trends in mobile data and put them into perspective. Sometimes, large numbers…

  • The Foundations Of A Successful App

    The Foundations Of A Successful App

    Blood Brothers, Minecraft, Dragonplay Poker, Words With Friends and Candy Crush Saga — What do these apps have in common? They are some of the highest grossing free apps on the Android market. Each one has a different kind of gameplay, so what has made them all so popular? In this infographic, Startapp takes a…

  • Data loss is a ticking time bomb. See what you can do about it!

    Data loss is a ticking time bomb. See what you can do about it!

    There have been some epic fails in backup of data on computers. This infographic shares some of them as well as backup insight into how you can save yourself from a data backup disaster. Only you can can help us! Join the Battalion and share these tips at Online Backup Geeks!

  • The State of SaaS – Infographic

    The State of SaaS – Infographic

    According to the information technology research firm Gartner, Software-as-a-Service (abbreviated SaaS) will continue to experience healthy growth through 2015, when worldwide revenue is projected to reach around $22 billion. We’re fascinated by SaaS at, probably because we have our own SaaS product Time Doctor. So we researched and created this infographic to summarize the…