Category: Technology Infographics
Anatomy of An Email Signature
This infographic from comes from analysis of over 700 million emails in the last 2 years. It explores what the average professional adds to their email signature (yes, you might be surprised),the do’s and don’ts of emails signatures and also the origin of the email signature is also touched upon.
What if your WordPress gets hacked?
Infographic for all the bloggers who are using WordPress as their blogging platform. Consequences and possible scenarios once your blog is being hacked.
Make Your Business Grow Fast With Online Invoicing
One growing method of utilizing internet capabilities and stay competitive is the use of electronic invoicing. This infographic give you a very detail insight an reliable invoice software. Enjoy and learn more!
10 years WordPress.
Within 10 years WordPress grew up the the biggest CMS in the world. Read some interesting facts and numbers in this infographic. Feel free to share it
Will You Lose Your Job to Technology?
The 20th century saw a massive loss of jobs in factories as machines replaced humans. The US economy moved to “services” and everyone was happy! Of course service jobs are not going to be replaced by machines are they? Think again. Now, with the advent of automation and artificial intelligence, more jobs will become obsolete.…
How are musicians using the iPad?
According to statistics taken from Facebook’s Advertising Tool, approximately 7.5% of guitarists, bassists, pianists, drummers, and vocalists own an iPad. Bassists were reported as the lowest iPad users at 6.27% ownership, while pianists were the highest users at 8.73% ownership. The popularity of the iPad within the music community has largely been attributed to the…
WordPress Most Popular Plugins
One of the best reasons why WordPress is the most acclaimed and the most popular CMS service is because of the user friendly design options. It will not be an exaggeration if we say that a person with zero knowledge of web coding can build an extremely awesome website with all the desired options. With…
WordPress Most Popular Premium Themes
Add some oomph to your WordPress blogs and websites; after all, it is all about differentiation as long as you are not holding an indomitable monopoly over your target audiences. The million dollar question is – How do you add that X – Factor? Well, premium themes from WordPress make the task easier. With some…
How to Choose a Cloud Ecommerce Platform
The cloud is unquestionably where people are increasingly turning to find fast-to-deploy and effective online retail websites as the main street becomes ever more difficult to run a business on. People are split though between those that seek to build their own and then host the site and the cloud and others who want everything…