Category: Environmental Infographics

  • The History of Solar Energy

    The History of Solar Energy

    The sun offers an amazing source of power, putting out 3.8 x 1026 watts. At its upper atmosphere, the Earth takes in about 174 petawatts of solar radiation, reflecting about 30% back out into space. Humans have been trying to harness this energy into a usable source of power since ancient times. Check out the…

  • Myths & Facts About Solar Energy

    Myths & Facts About Solar Energy

    With over 1.2 billion people in the world living off the grid, without access to electricity, it is imperative that we help them make the switch to solar. The majority of these people resort to kerosene lamps to get the light they need, however this is a dangerous and costly alternative. With more and more…

  • Look What We Could Have Done With All That Water!

    Look What We Could Have Done With All That Water!

    Are you a Big Water Spender? Start to open your eyes to how much water you consume without even realizing it. This amazingly animated infographic is full of mind boggling facts about water consumption that you never knew!

  • Going Green in the MENA Workplace

    Going Green in the MENA Workplace

    In this Infographic and press release, explores the extent to which companies and professionals in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region are aware of environmental issues affecting their lives and whether they’re adopting green practices.  

  • Meteor Impact Craters Around the World

    Meteor Impact Craters Around the World

    This is an infographic that visually explains the meteor impact craters around the world.

  • Alternative Fuels for Automobiles

    Alternative Fuels for Automobiles

    Do you know that our minds like visual things more than the written ones? In that way, always cares for its readers and has created an infographic to educate us on how to use Alternative Fuels for Automobiles and reduce CO2 Emissions.

  • When a Hurricane Strikes

    When a Hurricane Strikes

    Hurricanes cause millions of dollars in damage and take many lives every year. The Atlantic hurricane season starts in early June and goes all the way through November with several severe storms occurring every year. The statistics on some of these storms are staggering and show how damaging and deadly hurricanes can be.

  • Doggie Doings And The Environment

    Doggie Doings And The Environment

    We in the UK are nation of dog lovers, there are over 8.5 million dogs in the UK. All those dogs can have a big impact on the environment, producing in excess of 1,000 tonnes of dog waste per day. Not only is there an impact on the environment but a there is a financial…

  • 50 Incredible Facts About Water Infographic

    50 Incredible Facts About Water Infographic

    Our 50 Incredible Facts About Water Infographic communicates our passion for pure water and the environment. It features 50 incredible facts about water and takes you on a journey from outer space into the average home in the UK. It covers everything from rainfall in Scotland to the International Space Station, from a Sunday Newspaper…

  • Illegal Fishing Methods and Effects

    Illegal Fishing Methods and Effects

    llegal fishing and causing harm to sea life is a serious matter and the dangerous truth about it has been steadily rising to the surface in recent news stories. We have researched some of the most shocking facts surrounding this topic to open up your eyes about taking oceans, lakes, rivers and its inhabitants for…